Who we are

Idealized by the visionary Ricardo Banzoli, the current Commercial Director, Innovation was founded over the core goal to deliver, in a recent stabilized economy, the best cost and performance in cash flow and accounts receivables management.
Who we are

It was the first Debt Collection Agency to take care of short-term debt and opened up other business opportunities to enhance cash flow: "Proactivity" through aid cells.
Who we are

In this year the company gets two new owners: the experts Angelo Campana and Sergio Dallaqua, and it became bigger, increasing its "market share" and mainly its position in each client: now the Innovation is a partnership of its Network.
Who we are

With a giant of the pharmaceutical area Innovation developed system that was appointed like “Conning Tower” that control more than 34 thousand process.
Who we are

The Miami branch is opened to attend the Innovations customer around the world.
Who we are

Once again Innovation is pioneer and launched SAGI-COB its web platform to Credit Collection Management that was fragmented on a “production line” to increase performance.
Who we are

A new version of SAGI-COB was put into circulation, stronger and agile which was developed to do manage any process that requires integration whit financial area.
Who we are

Innovation launches the Smart Lines, a series of tools wich focused on serving micro, small and medium companies.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be the best Brazilian BPO company, and to consolidate our business in the United States of America.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop and deliver innovative and powerful solutions that attends market needs and costumers expectations.
Company Values
Our company values are to conduce business under respect and compliance with all partners, employees and community to contribute in building an equitable and solidary society.
Social Responsibility
Recycled Material Campaign;
Selective Waste Collection;
Reduce Energy Consumption;
Employees Live Quality Improvement Focus;
Social Health Awareness Program.
Customer/supplier registration.
Credit Analysis System.
Account Receivable
AR Management.
Debt Collection
Owner methodology and software to make a debt collection management to enhance the cash flow.
Account Payable
Account payable management.
Cash Management and evaluation, finds out, through Innovation System, of the best way to invest or capture financial resources.
Routine office tasks: finance, personal, MIS, etc..
Scanning Service
Digitalização e guarde documentos em diversos formatos.
Customer Relationship
Tools and techniques used in Customer Relationship.
International Services
Export and Import Customs Procedures and Treatment;Stocks and Warehouse Management;Choose and Manage Sales Channels.
The IT department provides a ground for advanced research and development of new Innovation's technologies, and is responsible to data processing and storage, networks and support for our users.
Registration | Credit Consulting | Debit Collection
Customer Portal
Registration | Repayment | E-mail MKT | Demand Functions
Expensive Report
Expensive Report System
Supplier Portal
Registration | Consults | Payment Orders Checks | Demand Functions
Compliance Platform
Export and Import Expenses Management
Availability, Scalability and Security
Data Center Vivo, Tamboré – high advanced site of Latin America.
- Isolated Servers.
- Digital Security Certificate - Qualys validation.
- High Available.
- Data Redundancy.
- Surge protection and potential difference on electric, telecom and data networks.
- Shielding against natural disasters.

Development and Internal Technology
- High quality of professional team.
- The legacy systems are customizable and integrable with other management software.
- Microsoft – SQL-Server, Windows Server e Visual Studio.
- Dell – servers and workstation.